
The Cost of Creating a Journaling Bible

Original Publication
November 26, 2022
Jan 16, 2023 2:40 AM

A while back I tried to create a journaling Bible based on the Illustrated Bible by Day Spring[1] (you can read about that at

). It didn’t work out so well, but that’s because I attempted to handwrite the whole thing. Recently I discovered Spiral Bible[2] and was motivated to try this again. Before I jump into the cost analysis, I would like to make 2 points:

  1. I am thankful that Day Spring and The Spiral Bible have created these Bibles as I do believe they are useful and valuable.
  2. If you do not bind notebooks often and do not have some materials already (such as a spiral puncher, a printer that can print a large number of pages, etc.), it is definitely more effective to just buy the Illustrating Bible.

How Much Did It Cost Me?

✂️ Supply
📝 Notes
💰 Total Price
💵 Price Per Unit
#️⃣ Units Needed
💰Total Cost
I bought 2 reams, totaling 1000 sheets of paper. It was on sale then; the price has gone up since I purchased it
Optional; I just thought it would be cool. It came in a pack of 100; I used 66 sheets
I paid ~$79 for my toner cartridge which can print up to 3000 pages.
Optional; you could use thick cardstock as a cover. Also I used white chipboard which is more expensive than brown chipboard which can be bought thinner and thicker
I used 5 sheets of 12x12 cardstock to make the covers (because of how I cut them) The prices here are an estimate because I used paper I had lying around the house
50 came in the pack
Total Cost

Bulk Pricing Discussion

My main issue with the price of the Bibles commercially is that I know prices always go down when you buy in bulk. As you can see above, I did pay ~$100 to create my Bible (though I didn’t pay it out up front since I already had the cardstock, chipboard, and toner cartridge. Below I have some screenshots showing how prices change when you buy in bulk and a calculation of how much it would cost me if I were a major printing company—like Day Spring—with access to these materials.

✂️ Supply
📝 Notes
💰 Total Price
💵 Price Per Unit
#️⃣ Units Needed
💰Total Cost
Bulk Pricing
Not included in commercial product
Commercial Grade Printer (prints 15,000 sheets)
Optional; you could use thick cardstock as a cover. Also I used white chipboard which is more expensive than brown chipboard which can be bought thinner and thicker
I used 5 sheets of 12x12 cardstock to make the covers (because of how I cut them) The prices here are an estimate because I used paper I had lying around the house
Bulk Pricing (using the .88 figure)
Optional—you’d always buy on your own
Total Cost

Without considering bulk pricing for the chipboard and cardstock covers, the price drops to about $26—assuming 3 books like I created, remember the price of smaller coils is lower (for the Spiral Bible).

Currently it would cost you $169.95 to get the complete set from Spiral Bible. That’s a 550% markup.

When I found the Illustrating Bible in 2019, it cost $99.00, now it retails at $69.00. While the $69.00 is probably worth it for those who don’t have access to materials to do their own binding, it’s still about 160% markup.

That just doesn’t seem very Christianly to me…

References & Footnotes

  1. Illustrated Bible”. DaySpring; visited November 2022
  2. Spiral Bible”. Spiral Bible; visited November 2022
  3. Markup Calculator”. Fresh Books; visited November 2022