Failure is Normal

Failure is Normal

Original Publication Date
July 21, 2020
Jan 16, 2023 1:40 AM

Being delivered from a sin doesn’t mean you’re never tempted again, it means you have mastered the tools God has given you to overcome the temptation. Like anything though, I’ve found that if I don’t practice using those tools (Prayer, Studying the Word, Fellowship with the Body of Christ) I get rusty at using them and have to restrain myself. Don’t give up when you give in to temptation, just get back to training with your tools!

I affirm, brethren, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
PSALMS to God is a blog, podcast, and YouTube channel that discusses many topics and issues, always keeping YHWH as the anchor. Hosea 4:6 says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”—here, the aim is to always ask questions and study to find the answers. You can keep up with new content by signing up for the weekly newsletter.
