Keep it Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing At All

Keep it Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing At All

Karen Ehman
Date Started
March 2, 2020
Date Finished
March 2, 2021
Stars Rated

Keep it Shut: What to Say, How to Say it, and When to Say Nothing At All by Karen Ehman was recommended to me by a friend during a conversation about how hard it is to control what I say. More specifically, I have a tendency to say things I think are just fine, only to find out people are offended. So I knew I had to read it.

Overview of the Book

This book is on the power (and danger) of the tongue and how to wield your words in a Godly manner. The author combines personal anecdotes and Bible verses to remind us of how our words can affect others. In each section, there are reflective questions to help you in thinking out a particular response of statement.

What I Didn't Like

I'm not going to lie, it did take me a whole year to finish this book. I don't think that's particularly a statement on the quality of the book, however. The topic is something I knew I needed to focus on (we probably all do) but I think my commitment to it waxed and waned. Also, the points made are not earth shattering or things you couldn't think of yourself, which keeps it from being a page turner.


What I Liked

Despite the information being "obvious" it was definitely a good reminder, and as God would have it, I was tested after every chapter. The inclusion of Bible verses to keep the advice Biblical was well timed and gave me a great list of scripture to reflect on as I continue this journey.

Would I Recommend?

The book is definitely written with a female audience in mind, though I think anyone could read it and benefit. The author leans heavy on her experience, which is that of a white Christian in the US; I would love to see a similar book written by someone from a different race/culture. Despite the fact that many of her experiences didn't necessarily resonate with me as a black woman, I was still able to convert the experiences shared into useful information. For this reason I would still recommend the book to anyone searching to be more effective and compassionate in their communication.

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