
    I am a master of silence--
    I wrapped my silence around me
    Spun it around my body like silk
    Until silence bestowed it's invisibility,
    Granted me this strange ability
    To be seen only when I choose to be
    Because it's easier that way--
    I'm watching the world crash and burn
    Pretending I can touch the fire
    Knowing no one can see scars--
    Skin secretly blistered and marred
    No one knows, that I am the broken strings
    Strummed on a broken battered guitar
    So I pretend I'm the brightest star
    Simply because it's convenient...
    You see the words are there,
    Relaxing on the tip of my tongue
    But I have no desire to be seen
    Or form bonds from words I release
    Why should I break this silence
    Break out of my silken shadowed cocoon
    And tether myself to cheap cotton?
    I'm half aware of some brilliance
    Hidden here in the shadows
    Kept alive by unwavering resilience
    No matter how the shadows may hide
    This presence is my hindrance,
    Fighting to be unleashed,
    Testing my resistance
    But I'm not ready to make my appearance.
    So I swallow back the words I know--
    Words that entrench my soul,
    Uncomfortable, but invisible in my cloak
    Mourning the words of the visible
    Somewhere unbothered and alone
    Using my silence as my shield.

    Published on Sunday, January 19, 2014
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