Wish Upon A Star
In the dark
Distantly glowing
Sparkling and twinkling
Fire--an invincible life force holding beauty at immortal standards
A beacon of hope for the universe to gaze upon in awe
Constant. Consistent in its reign and power...
Reach out to me and speak confidence
Open the door to life's maze
Shower me in your abyss of wisdom
grant me jewels, pearls, and rubies
I want to shine, in the dark sky
Wish--on the lost loves of
hope and bring peace
home. home.
Published on Saturday, January 25, 2014
Circus of Words, Concrete Poetry, Dreams, Poetry, SciFi/Fantasy, Stars and Constellations
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Circus of Words, Concrete Poetry, Dreams, Poetry, SciFi/Fantasy, Stars and Constellations
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