Chances We Take

    Close my eyes
    And there I am--somewhere
    Blue green seas and
    Sandy shores--somewhere.
    I don't know
    But I like it.

    The relaxing winds
    Watch my hair blow
    As waves pass me by
    As the sun journeys across the sky.
    All is calm, all is well--
    Until the sound of cannons
    Breaks the peace.

    Warm sand against
    Quickly moving feet;
    I'm rushing back to safety
    To a place I think I know...
    A little cave hidden away
    Somewhere--my brain is leading
    And I follow in fear
    Of unknown villains--
    Unknown faces, unknown demons.

    Run fast and live--
    Hidden in peaceful seclusion;
    There beneath the waterfall
    Tucked away behind shining rocks
    In the dark of an ancient cave
    I hide away. I wait.

    Silence creeps on,
    Fills time with images
    Instead of words--
    Sweet thoughts, memories, and goals
    All waiting, all adventurous and bold.
    Their emergence will come
    Someday. Somehow.

    Perhaps the danger still awaits,
    The beach destroyed,
    Water run dry...
    But my hear searches for light
    For calming water and warm sand
    I don't know, but
    Will take the chance to see.
    Published on Sunday, May 25, 2014
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