Visions of Love

    Incoherent babbles of shy teens--
    Roses, red and delicate
    Hushed whispers of promised things
    A soft kiss, sweet and affectionate
    Under sparkling stars we sit
    Torn apart by distance and fears
    A short walk, smiles and cunning wit
    Long nights full of empty tears...
    The embarrassment of snorts in giggles
    Ocean water washing over our moving feet
    Awkward motions of dancing wiggles
    By the phone waiting on your voice to speak--
    Ice cream mends a broken heart,
    Hand enclosed in hand
    From a little spark, this fire might start
    Soft eyes and thrown away plans.
    Cozy moments in theaters dark
    Comfort, lounging on couches lazily
    Rain falls as we walk in the park
    Arms embracing, more words shared
    Goofy photographs in a photo booth
    A shoulder to lean on because we cared
    Two adults reliving the beauty of youth.
    Good morning and good night,
    Silver and diamonds--rings for two
    Thinking about you at first light...
    White, flowers, vows--I do.

    Published on Saturday, February 14, 2015
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