Real Experiences for BHM 2016: Black Entrepenuership

    Speaking of entrepreneurs, today I want to talk about some contemporary entrepreneurs: Harold Hughes & Steven Hughes. I met these two brothers at Clemson (no we aren't related); by the time I started school both of them were leaders on campus. In the era where too many college students are graduating and unable to find a job, or graduating buried in student debt, these two stand out. Steven started Know Money Inc to promote financial literacy and help stop generational poverty. Harold started Bandwagon, an organization to aid in purchasing sports tickets. These two are proving that Black entrepreneurship is not a thing of the past but a continuing legacy. #MakeItCount #BlackHistoryMonth2016 #BlackEntrepreneurs

    Photocredit: Creative


    1. Steven Hughes. Know Money, Inc.; visited February 2016
    2. Harold Hughes. Bandwagon; visited February 2016
    Published on Sunday, February 7, 2016
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