The "Wonderful" World of Disney
Disney is a powerhouse. There's no doubt it has a major influence over children. What is in doubt is whether that a good thing or not.
Photocredit: Walt Disney |
It's Just Entertainment
If you aren't a feminist and/or you've never been convicted by the Holy Spirit to be cautious of what you consume, you're initial reaction will probably be that it's just entertainment. My question for you is what does it mean that you find these things entertaining? If you think a racist joke is funny (or entertaining), does that mean you support racism? If you think violence is entertaining, does that mean you enjoy violence? If you think the behaviors God condemned and Jesus died on the cross to save us from, are fun to watch, does that mean you think they're ok?Magic
I'm not going to touch on magic or witchcraft for any of these because we all know magic is a major theme in pretty much all of Disney's movies and the Bible clearly tells us to stay away from witches and witchcraft (Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Isaiah 8:19; Revelation 21:8). There is no such thing as "good witches" or "good magic." This is obviously a problematic point spiritually for most Disney movies.The Series
I realized I had more than a quick paragraph about many of the movies and there are so many movies. Once you read a few, you may be able to guess what I'll say about the others, but people tend to ask me about specific movies so, I decided to go ahead and do a post for each movie I felt compelled to talk about. As I finish them I'll link them below. You can also find the series here. In this series, I'm going to tell you how I feel about these movies. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't watch them. For all things you do, you should consult God, and let the Holy Spirit guide your conscience. I've been asked a few times about this subject, so I'm just sharing how the Spirit had led me concerning some of my old favorites.
Published on Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Christian Walk, Culture, Disney, Entertainment, Magic & Witchcraft, Movies & TV Shows, Women
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Christian Walk, Culture, Disney, Entertainment, Magic & Witchcraft, Movies & TV Shows, Women
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