Purpose Revealed
Sometimes it's about asking the right questions, but most of the time it's about having the patience to wait for an answer.
Text Summary
So this week's testimony... I have been, I guess, actively seeking what my purpose is. I think people have several purposes and for many of mine, I think that I probably know what they are, but I've been looking for like this grand picture to occur. Something big that says this is what you're supposed to be doing. The podcast was a step in the right direction, but I don't feel like it's the whole of what God desires from me. I wanted to hear Him say, "This is what I'm asking you to do specifically for the ministry, and this is where your ministry should be." All I was getting was a "Cricket, cricket." Well, I did the Daniel Fast. The Daniel Fast, for me, ended last Tuesday, and then that Wednesday after the Daniel Fast, I actually think I began the journey of figuring out the answer to that question. I went to a Bible study—which by the way, had been derailed the week before due to exhaustion and sickness within the group. I got really inspired at the Bible study, and it caused me to do something I used to do all the time. That Thursday receive some more comments and feedback about that specific thing, and by Friday I started developing a plan to really put something in motion. So things are in the works—I can't tell you more about it right now because things are in the works, however, it will be public soon (I hope). The overall point however, is that I think I found what I'm supposed to be doing. Ask and ye shall receive! God was able to talk to me through a Bible study and he sent not one, not two, but three people to confirm this purpose! That is my testimony for this week.
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