A Prayer for YHWH

    Father help my unbelief—
    I'm reading about your disciples thinking I can do better,
    Looked at my life realizing I could never do better...
    I've never walked on water, never healed the sick,
    Never moved a moutain or changed langauges quick.
    I know You're there listening, prayer afer prayer,
    I need You to change my direction, to lead me there,
    To change my heart and give me faith,
    That's why I'm here surrendering to Your perfect grace.
    My knees are down, my head is bowwed,
    Proclaiming You my King before this very crowd.
    Even when my heart is weak,
    I come before You because I believe.

    Photocredit: Unsplash.com/Samuel Martins
    Published on Friday, September 11, 2020
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