Dreams of a Sugar Plum Fairy:

    Spotlight on Misty Copeland

    I was young
    Everyone was doing it—
    Blonde ponytails, pink tutus
    And then there was me...
    If I'd noticed,
    Maybe I would've quit
    But I loved it
    And I wanted to shine.
    Twirl and twirl
    On pointed toe,
    Ribbons and colors
    Music and art—
    Sugar plum fairy dreams
    Swirling through snowflakes
    And me in the background
    Awaiting my chance...
    Expensive dreams,
    Pirouetting in front of me
    Taunting and haunting
    Until at last I concede.
    Misty Copeland is a soloist in the American Ballet Theatre. According to some sources, she is the first black soloist for ABT [1, 4]. Another, however, states that she is the first black soloist in 20 years and the third in the theatre's history [2]. Either way, she has climbed the ranks even from a general late start at ballet. Performing as soloist in multiple productions as well as alongside Prince [34], Copeland is breaking the mold in the ballet world and changing the image in an otherwise white art.


    1. Meredith Turits. "Misty Copeland, American Ballet Theatre's First African-American Soloist in 20 Years, Talks Breaking Barriers with Aplomb". Glamour Interview. April 23, 2012
    2. Robyn Carolyn Price. "ABT’s Misty Copeland Talks to Vogue Italia About Being a “Black Ballerina”". Huffington Post. January 23, 2014
    3. "Misty Copeland". American Ballet Theatre; visited February 2014
    4. Rebecca Carroll"Misty Copeland On Prince And The Curvy Ballerina Revolution". Huffington Post. September 14, 2011
    Published on Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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