Overlooked & Overpowering:
Spotlight on Blanche Kelso Bruce
Scraps, cast aside as trash
Purposely overlooked and discarded
Lonely, in their unfilled lives
Grow weary of their label.
Were not they once grand?
Were not the grand once poor?
Thats when trash overthrows
Some ill fitted label,
Redefines itself and shows potential
Clamors up the ladder of success
And looks convention in the eye.
These scraps are a foundation
Strong and unpredictable--
An underdog waiting to arise--
They have nothing left to lose
And the world is theirs to gain.
Hold fast, theirs is majestic strength
To defy old definitions and rise.
Blanche Kelso Bruce |
- "US Senate Biography of Blanche Kelso Burce". United States Senate; visited February 2014
- "Senators of the United States". United States Senate, pg. 35; visited February 2014
- "Ethnic Diversity in the Senate". United States Senate; visited February 2014
Published on Tuesday, February 4, 2014
BHM 2014, Black History, Circus of Words, Culture, People, Perseverance, Poetry, SelfWorth & InnerStrength
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BHM 2014, Black History, Circus of Words, Culture, People, Perseverance, Poetry, SelfWorth & InnerStrength
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