Christian Nationalism
19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: sexual immorality, impurity, indecent behavior, 20 idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, 21 envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:17-23 NASB
I've been cranking out lots of episodes in September, and we finally made it to the episode I always knew would be the most difficult: Daniel 11. There is so much history tied to this passage and prophecy. I have almost 15 pages of notes on this chapter and I had so much anxiety trying to figure out how to condense it into an episode. I was already super behind schedule and this didn't help. The pace I've been running at just isn't sustainable for someone who has a full time job and doesn't make money from podcasts. So I talked with God and asked for a way to present thee Christian Nationalism episode without having all the foundation. We'll probably come back to this topic after I finish all the other episode—which will resume with a normal weekly release schedule—to tie in all the prophetic aspects.
What is Christian Nationalism
Lately, there has been a rise in people who support Christian Nationalism. It has begun to play a major role in US politics. From Project 2025 to pastors telling people they weren't Christian if they didn't vote for Donald Trump. Many evangelical churches have left the concept of non-partisan pulpits to embrace the Republican party. Their goal is to influence laws and policies such that the reflect "Christian" values.
Fundamental Flaw
The fundamental flaw with this concept is that there are over 40,000 different denominations. Each of these denominations have slightly different doctrinal beliefs due to their interpretation of the Bible. Some of these difference are pretty mild and wouldn't likely appear on the surface, but others effect believers' everyday life. Some denominations have restrictions on what you can consume; examples include practicing the dietry law (Seventh Day Adventists and Messianic Jews), forbidding caffeine (LDS/Mormons), or banning alchohol. Other churches have rules about what content you can watch, such as the LDS/Mormon church's prohibition on rated R movies, regardless of age. What a "Christian"-based law looks like is highly dependent on which denomination has the most say, and those laws still might contradict with other believers. (This isn't even tackling the issue of freedom of religion and people in the US who are not Bible believers...)
Why the US Has Separation of Church and State
In the dark ages, Christian idealogy was controlled by the Catholic Church. Anyone who spoke out against them was excommunicated and/or put to death by reason of heresy. The popes even controlled the kings of Europe. It is this religious oppression that Protestant reformers were fleeing from and led to the concept of freedom of religion. Many of these founding fathers of Protestant churchs identified the Roman Catholic Church as the first beast of Revelation and the office of the pope as the antichrist.[1][2][3][4]
Christians Not Acting Like Christians
There is a Biblical definition of Christian conduct, behavior, and leadership. The verses that come to mind are Galatians 5:22-23, which describes the fruit of the spirit, and Titus 1 1 Timothy 3, which describes the conduct of a leader. Christian Nationalism pretty solidly exists on the right within the Republican party and endorsing Donald Trump even though he doesn't meet the qualifications of a Titus 1 or 1 Timothy 3 leader. (Spoiler alert, neither party represents Biblical ideals and principles.) This departure from scripture, isn't shocking however, as one of the greatest failings of the Church is that generally we don't actually follow Christ. Many people have been turned away from God and the faith due to our failures to uphold the actual beliefs Messiah taught.
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Mahatma Gandhi
This is part of Satan's master plan. If he can make a mockery of God and convince the general population that God and His people are actually the evil ones, everything else would seem to fall into place for him.
Let's take a minute to talk about what the antichrist and the beast are not: the complete opposite of God in every perceivable way.
Satan's sin is that he wants to be God. He's interested in worship. Revelation frequently mentions that society worships the beast. This is not just a villain-esque person committing atrocities (like Hitler). This is a power and entity that is trying to take the place of the Most High. This power is going to dictate how and thus who you worship. We do not ever want man telling us how to worship!
In the beginning, God placed both the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. All though Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat from the Tree of Knowlege, they were still given a choice because the tree was within their reach. God allowed them to make the choice for themselves because He is not a tyrant.
In the wilderness, the Israelites were given a choice to follow Him. Blessings and curses, decided by which choice the Israelites make, are described throughout the Bible. God gives them the opportunity to choose to follow Him.
Although there are always consequences for not chosing God and His way, it is very clear that God is not trying to force anyone into His kingdom. As such, we should be following suit. Dictating that someone must adhere to rules and regulations created by some person's interpretation of what God has said is taking a step back toward Catholicism, except this time it's the Protestant daughters of Catholicism. Does this sound like the second beast making an image of the first beast?
References and Footnotes
- "What the Early Church Believed: The Antichrist". Catholic Answers; visited October 10, 2024
- Even the Catholic Church admits that Protestant Reformers believed them to be the antichrist
- Eben De Jager. "The Story of the Antichrist Pope". The Collector. December 22, 2023; visited October 10, 2024
- "Founders of "Mainline" Churches Knew Who Anti-Christ Was". Chick Publications. July/August 1984; visited October 10, 2024
- David P. Scaer. "The Pope as Antichrist: An Anachronism?". Christianity Today. October 23, 1981; visited October 10, 2024
Current Events, Podcast, Prophecy, Season 6, Under Construction
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